Jumat, 25 November 2016

a letter to my younger self and 10 year later self

Hello ladies and gentlemen let me indtroduce myself my name is mimin derived from Melawi, I studied at the tanjungpura university of agricultural sciences. How is everyone? certainly well yes ... my trip to log in tanjupura university very difficult so many challenges that I could get through to me in tanjungpura university because when I took the test in the first tanjungpura university I do not pass this made my family very sad because I can not get in tanjungpura university but I'm not desperate and I was mnegikuti tests that both dijalur independent and thank god I was able to pass even though I did not graduate with Honors as I choose, but I am very grateful to be able to enter in tanjungpura university because so many people who take the test in tanjungpura university and I beat them ..I feel very happy and proud of myselfwell I will write a letter for the next 10 years for myself, I hope I can pass on the faculty of agriculture with the standards specified time and after I graduated I could get a job and I can work well can get or make a new thing that could helpful for me and others after my success and I can be happy my parents, I want to be the one who is always passion and not easily discouraged though sometimes fail but I would always want to get up again and be able to do things according to the difficult but for me easy for me to do. I will be looking for my life partner who can make me happy and successful as I am with it we can create new things together and make us a profitable business so that we can live in peace and prosperity.

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